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Pima Association of Governments region awarded $18.8 million for safety improvements

Pima Association of Governments (PAG) region have been awarded $18.8 million in funding from the Arizona Department of Transportation for regional safety improvement projects.

A push to cross button at an intersection in Tucson, AZ.

The award comes from the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), which assists local governments in implementing roadway safety projects designed to reduce deaths and serious injuries.

“We’re happy to receive this funding that will help advance our goal of reducing the frequency and severity of crashes for all modes of transportation in the region,” said Gabe Thum, Transportation Safety Program Coordinator with PAG.

The HSIP funds will pay for improvement in Pima County, Tucson and Oro Valley. PAG worked with member jurisdictions to identify needed safety improvements and to complete applications for the funding. ADOT approved the PAG application package in its entirety, in recognition of the quality of the proposal and the regional benefits the improvements will provide.

The project categories include High-Intensity Activated Crosswalks (HAWKS), street lighting, left-turn signal improvements, and redesigns to intersections to improve visibility and safety.

These improvement projects will be spread throughout the metro area providing safety benefits to residents in many parts of the community.