PAG Position Statements

Portrait of a group of confident business people standing together in an office

The following are position statements of Pima Association of Governments:

Statement Against Hate

Pima Association of Governments (PAG), a metropolitan planning organization serving the greater Tucson region, is committed to upholding inclusive and affirming values, serving as an open and welcoming organization. We vehemently oppose prejudice, bias, hostility, discrimination, or violence directed toward individuals for any reason whatsoever and more specifically based on factors such as race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, immigration status, or gender. We unequivocally condemn any hate-motivated groups or individuals who threaten violence, harassment, or discrimination against our employees or visitors. Such behavior is never acceptable.

Acknowledging our critical responsibility to respond swiftly to protect our organization, employees and community from hate, Pima Association of Governments pledges to take all necessary actions to ensure that our employees and visitors are not subjected to discrimination or harassment. Hate crimes and violence have no place in our city, state, or country, and will not be tolerated. Any reports of hate crimes will be promptly investigated in collaboration with relevant partner agencies to ensure the ongoing safety of our employees and place of work.

As an open and welcoming organization, PAG finds it imperative that our community stands united in denouncing all forms of hate, bigotry and violence. Hate has no place here or anywhere else.