Transportation Coordinator (TC) Tool Kit
The Travel Coordinator Tool Kit is a go-to destination for new and established Travel Coordinators. Everything you need to get started, or continue, in your role as a Travel Coordinator is included below. You can find information about the program, the useful QR code flyer with a direct link to the Travel Reduction Survey, pre-written email templates that can easily be incorporated into your organization to boost participation in the Travel Reduction Survey, and other useful tools.
TC Tips
Check out these articles for tips and strategies on how to get the most out of your Travel Reduction Program.
Emails and Assets
Below are email templates you can use to help motivate employees to take the travel reduction survey based on their interests. Additionally, stories and other content linked here address these same categories. Stories can be used as is or adapted to fit your needs for employee newsletters, on bulletin boards, or in any way that best communicates to your employees.
Air Quality / Environment
Health Benefits
Save Money
Cost Savings Articles:
Creating Connections – Building Community
Data for Community Planning
Posters and Flyers
PAG has created posters and flyers that can be used as is or adapted for your organization’s needs.
Pima Association of Governments provides educational videos for employers to use at staff meetings, new hire orientations and other company functions. Links to shorter videos also may be shared in employee newsletters or other communications: