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Regional Transportation Authority

The Regional Transportation Authority is a state-established political subdivision within Pima County, Arizona, since 2004 and is the fiscal manager of the RTA’s 20-year, 2006 voter-approved regional transportation plan. The plan is funded by a half-cent transaction privilege or sales tax, also approved by voters in 2006. The plan and tax are effective through June 2026.

The RTA, which is managed by Pima Association of Governments through a memorandum of understanding, is the fiscal manager of the tax revenues and oversees plan delivery of roadway, transit, bicycle, pedestrian, signal technology and other transportation system improvements across the greater Tucson region. Improvement projects are managed by RTA members, which include local, county, state and tribal governments. More than 1,000 transportation project and service improvements have been delivered to date.

Local, county, state and tribal leaders, who serve on the RTA Board as well as the PAG Regional Council, are working together to improve the region’s livability by delivering a quality transportation system for all users. The RTA is in the process of finalizing a new 20-year regional transportation plan for public consideration before the current plan and tax expire in June 2026. Upon board approval, the RTA anticipates the draft will be presented to the public in 2024 for review and feedback to determine regional transportation priorities. An election for voter consideration of the RTA Next plan and RTA tax extension is tentatively set for May 2025.