We are seeking your input on active transportation throughout the region.
Provide your input on our interactive map.

Commuter Services and Mode Choices

Pima Association of Governments is tasked with ensuring our region maintains a quality of life through our platforms of livability, sustainability and mobility. The three legs of PAG’s mission are intricately linked in efforts to reduce single-occupancy vehicle miles traveled and offer alternatives for the daily commute.

The result is cleaner air, less stress, less traffic and a better quality of life for all of us.

You can calculate the cost of your commute to determine how much you can save by swapping in other transportation options, such as using transit, riding your bicycle or walking, even a few days a month.

Then, explore alternative modes of travel available in our region, including active transportation, and learn about the benefits of using other modes for you, your household and our region.

As the Travel Reduction Program manager for the region, PAG participates in state grant-funded planning and programming for employers to help employees reduce the time spent and mileage traveled when commuting alone in a vehicle. Employers with 100 or more full-time equivalent employees are required to participate, and other employers can join voluntarily.

You can do your part with our commuter tools through Sun Rideshare to help you find a compatible carpool or vanpool partner, one who has a similar schedule and preferences, or lives and works near your home or work locations.