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Performance Measures

Cars drive on the freshly updated Houghton Road in Tucson, AZ.

Performance measures enable PAG to track progress and quantify goals for transportation systems and safety improvements, as well as air quality and other environmental improvements. The federally required measures help to identify whether strategies are working by tracking progress toward goals with data. As an example, transportation planners in the region may aim to reduce congestion. To make it measurable and trackable, PAG has set the goal for a reduction of 10% of miles traveled, per capita, by 2045.

PAG incorporates performance measures into long-range planning. Some examples of performance measure targets established in the 2045 Regional Mobility and Accessibility Plan include:

  • Maintaining at least 80% of major roadway surfaces in fair or better condition.
  • Reducing traffic fatalities by 25% and reducing pedestrian and bicyclist incapacitating injuries by 33%.
  • Increasing the number and/or mileage of pedestrian and bicyclist facilities.
  • Reducing per capita greenhouse gas emissions from transportation sources by more than 30%.

These performance measures are backed up by strategies developed for regional deployment in planning and implementation of transportation projects throughout the region. Examples of strategies that support the above goals in the 2045 Regional Mobility and Accessibility Plan include:

  • Encourage the programming of regional funding for pavement preservation.
  • Develop strategies to improve safety for drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians at major intersections. Add more bicycle and pedestrian friendly features, such as islands and where appropriate, to slow traffic and provide pedestrian refuge and bikeways in large intersections.
  • Fill gaps in the region’s sidewalk network.
  • Provide alternate mode options, such as bike, pedestrian and transit, to decrease vehicle miles traveled and reduce air pollution.

PAG regularly provides information on the status of projects, programs and finances through updates at its public meetings held several times each year.