Designating funds for every facet of business can be a challenge. Resources to promote travel reduction, for example, may be limited.

Getting people to take the Travel Reduction Program survey or try alternative forms of transportation would be easier with an unlimited budget, but that’s not reality. As a transportation coordinator with limited resources, you need to tap into your creativity and inspire others to see the value in travel reduction.
Here are some ideas to promote the survey and motivate people to try ridesharing, transit and active transportation options.
Survey Promotion
For starters, it’s important for employees to be aware of the survey and to easily access it. That’s where promotion comes into the picture.
The easiest way to promote the survey is electronically. Sending an email costs nothing but the time it takes to write one. You can explain to employees what the survey is about, how to access it, when to complete it, and why participating in the survey is important to transportation planning in the region for a better and safer commute.
Follow up emails are also effective to remind employees about deadlines and can provide motivating information or company incentives to increase participation.
Emails that focus on your employee’s interests are effective.
Do you have employees who are into fitness? Tap into the health benefits of active transportation, such as cycling or walking to work, even if for part of the way combined with transit.
Maybe you have employees who are really into the environment or the outdoors? Try to emphasize the clean air aspects of travel reduction. Fewer vehicles on the road help reduce traffic congestion and air pollution from vehicle idling.
Don’t trust your own writing skills? Contact PAG Mobility Management and Services Director Mary Carter. She can provide a series of pre-written emails that can be adapted for your organization’s needs.
PAG also has a QR code that links directly to the travel reduction survey (INCLUDE LINK). The code can be printed and put on company bulletin boards or emailed directly to employees during survey time.
Some organizations, including the Target Distribution Center, have used video monitors or televisions to post the QR code or other information about the survey.
Other organizations have provided laptops in breakrooms for employees to take the survey, while others have carved out time during the workday to allow employees to complete the task.
Rewards and motivation
Most organizations do not have large budgets to reward employees for participation, but even the smallest rewards can make a difference.
Consider a raffle for a gift card or even some small gestures such as treating carpoolers with candy or snacks that won’t break the bank.
No money at all? Some companies have used rewards such as longer breaks or free lunches for teams that hit a high survey response benchmark. Some with flexibility in their HR policies have raffled off days off or preferred shifts.
These types of no-cost or low-cost rewards are worth a try.
Do you have employees who carpool or vanpool? Reward them with preferred parking closer to the building.
Have cyclists? Install racks where they can lock up their bikes, or add a storage shed where they can safely stash their bikes.
For transit riders, provide bus route maps or work with them to make sure their shifts coincide with bus schedules.
These are just a few creative solutions companies can use to get their employees to help meet the organization’s travel reduction goals or survey response goals. If you create a new outreach method that is successful, let us know. We can spotlight your success and pass it on to other transportation coordinators.