What We Do
Our Mission: To address regional issues through cooperative efforts and pooled resources, and to provide accurate, relevant data that leads to effective regional planning decisions.
Regional Transportation
We all want to move around freely and easily, whether it’s by motor vehicle, bicycle or on foot. Pima Association of Governments is working to ensure you can do that on a regional and seamless transportation network that is reliable, efficient and safe.
Responsible Planning
Our planning efforts are designed to ensure that the caliber of the transportation system we have in place today and the environmental amenities we now enjoy will continue to be available in the same condition or better for future generations.
Regional Vitality
When it comes to quality of life, we appreciate a transportation system that helps us reach our destinations safely and on time. We also appreciate a sustainable environment with clean air and water. Our planning efforts lead to building a region that supports our economic well-being and livelihood.