Pima Association of Governments occasionally seeks requests for proposals or request for quotes.
Current requests:
Request for Bids for Regional Pavement Condition Data
Pima Association of Governments, herein after referred to as PAG, is soliciting Requests for Bids from Competent Contractors to provide Regional Pavement Condition Data as outlined in the Scope of Work, Appendix A, and in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes Title 34. After a review of experience and qualifications, a competitive low bid process will be utilized to retain one (1) Contractor.
PAG invites interested Contractors to submit written Statements of Qualifications and accompanying bids relating to this project. A Selection Committee will evaluate the firms’ qualifications and experience with similar projects. Only those deemed to meet the minimum qualifications as defined in Appendix A will be considered a “Qualified Bidder.” Qualified Bidders with similar project experience will then be reviewed by their price for services. The qualified bidder with the lowest project price will be awarded the contract.
Click here to view the detailed RFB and instructions.
Bids must be received by PAG no later than 11 a.m. on Tuesday, October 31, 2023.
Please mail or deliver your bids to:
Roy Cuaron
Finance Director
Pima Association of Governments
1 E. Broadway Blvd., Suite 401
Tucson, AZ 85701
Questions may be directed to Roy Cuaron at (520) 495-1470 or rcuaron@pagregion.com
PAG operates its programs without regard to race, color and national origin in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.
If you need translation assistance, please contact Zonia Kelley at (520) 792-1093. Si necesita ayuda con traducción, llame por favor al (520) 792-1093 y comuníquese con Zonia Kelley.
Awarded Contract
Roadway Asset Services Contract
Seeking RFPs for 2023 PAG Regional Orthophotography
To better synchronize and coordinate remote sensing datasets for our regional partners, Pima Association of Governments (PAG) is seeking proposals to obtain 4-band orthophotography in the fall of 2023 for eastern Pima County as well as the entirety of the Tohono O’odham Nation.
PAG is requesting proposals for orthoimagery products at 30 cm ground sample distance (GSD), 15 cm GSD, and 7.5 cm GSD that can be acquired and stored on-premises at PAG and under ownership by PAG. The project will be managed by PAG.
- Request for Proposals – 2023 PAG Regional Orthophotography
- Addendum 1 – Mandatory Terms and Conditions for Subrecipient Procurement
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goal: None (see Addendum 1)
Questions will be accepted until 5 p.m. MST on June 23, and PAG answers will be provided also on this page by July 14, 2023.
All proposals must be received by PAG between June 9 and July 21, 2023 by 10 a.m. MST. PAG reserves the right to disqualify any responses which are not in accordance with the prescribed requirements of this RFP. The top candidates will be contacted in August to review the potential contract and the contract will begin as early as Sept 29, 2023. All work, including quality control, shall be completed by May 10, 2024.
If you need translation assistance, please contact Zonia Kelley at (520) 792-1093. Si necesita ayuda con traducción, llame por favor al (520) 792-1093 y comuníquese con Zonia Kelley.
Pima Association of Governments (PAGregion.com) operates its programs without regard to race, color and national origin in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.
PAG’s past regional orthophoto acquisitions can be viewed here: Orthophotos (pagregion.com)
PAG Orthophoto Bid Opening
Click here to watch the 2023 PAG Orthophoto Bid Opening on YouTube.
RFP/RFQ Questions and Responses
Q. In the past 10 years, how many times has PAG completed projects similar to this RFP? What were the names of the companies that were awarded the projects?
A. PAG has procured orthophoto imagery and data sets 4 times in the past ten years. The successful vendors were Sanborn Mapping, Leica Geosystems and Quantum Spatial.
Q. What were the names of the companies that were awarded the projects?
A. The successful vendors were Sanborn Mapping, Leica Geosystems and Quantum Spatial/USGS.
Q. Could we obtain the GIS shapefiles for acquisition areas specified in Appendix A?
A. The shapefiles are now posted at https://pagregion.com/wp-content/docs/pag/2023/05/PAG_2023_Ortho_RFP_Shapefiles.gdb_.zip
Q. Could we obtain the GIS shapefiles for the areas of interest?
A. The shapefiles are now posted at https://pagregion.com/wp-content/docs/pag/2023/05/PAG_2023_Ortho_RFP_Shapefiles.gdb_.zip
Q. Where can we find a shapefile or KML of the project area of interest?
A. www.pagregion.com; Info Center tab, RFP/RFQs
Q. Will the projects need ground control for all 5 Quotes, or specifically just the site over U of A? We understand and will abide by the Quality Levels of Accuracies for the project, we just need to confirm if Panels will be set or refreshed for all of the project areas.
A. The project will require ground control for all 5 quotes.
Q. If possible, can you share the ground control set / refreshed from the last iteration of this completed project?
A. The information from the last completed project is not available.
Q. Do you have metadata available for your DEM and LiDAR datasets?
A. Yes, but the formal metadata that is publicly available for the last DEM and LiDAR datasets in 2021 is limited. The coordinate system used was NAD 1983 HARN State Plane Arizona Central FIPS 0202 (Meters). The DEM was 15 cm/6″ DEM for Eastern Pima County acquired in Spring 2021. The LiDAR was LAS 1.4-point format 6 (in LAZ format), 3dep QL2, contracted by USGS to Quantum Spatial and acquired in Spring 2021.
Q. When were the DEM and LiDAR created and does it cover the entire County and project area?
A. DEM and LiDAR exist for the entire project area. The most recent that PAG can share were collected in Spring 2021 and generally cover eastern Pima County only (the Product 1 shapefile for the current RFP). The Tohono O’odham Nation area was acquired for their private use.
Q. Do you have control points established in the Tohono O’odham Nation?
A. PAG does not have control points established for the Tohono O’odham Nation. PAG’s expectation is that the vendor seeks or provides their own ground control to support the positional accuracy requirements from the specification and that benchmarks cost burden is built into contract.
Q. Is there a specific EULA that PAG would like us to use? If not, is there any other specific language that needs to be included in the EULA that is not listed in the RFP?
A. EULAs should include but are not limited to the following:
Agreement must include terms that give PAG and its partners the right to own, store on their premises, display and share data and derivatives publicly in perpetuity. Deliverable products include standardized metadata, the vector dataset containing photo points with date and time stamps for each imagery tile, information about registered benchmarks utilized, 15 cm imagery that is of sufficient quality and horizontal accuracy to support the potential future development of ASPRS Class 1 planimetric products if our partners so desire, stereopair imagery, and autocorrelated point cloud as part of the dataset. Confidential Information only applies to any company or trade secret/private information passed between the Parties to further develop collaborations. Confidential Information does not include Data, Datasets, or any production derived from Data including, but not limited to, publications, studies, reports, data products, or value-add products.
Q. Does the 20-page limit of the response packet include the appendices?
A. Applicants may include the EULA as an appendix that is not counted toward the 20-page limit. The content in PAG RFP’s Appendices B and C should be included in the response and count toward the 20 pages.
Q. Could you please clarify the accuracy requirement for the 15cm imagery product? What equivalent scale is desired?
A. The ASPRS 2014 manual states 1:1200 for 15 cm imagery for Class 1 standard.
Q. Page 12 states that for product 5, “Except as noted below, all other PAG standards and conventional orthophoto collection practices (4-band RGB & NIR, 2023) will be followed.” Does this 4-band requirement apply to deliverable 5C?
A. 4-band is not applicable to item 5C.
Requested Files
- GIS files for acquisition areas specified in Appendix A – File Download
PAG Procurement Guidelines
- PAG Procurement Guidelines (1MB), Adopted November 2000, Amended March 31, 2016
Grant Agreement Between the State of Arizona and Pima Association of Governments
Notice of Award of Contract
Pima Association of Governments (PAG) is pleased to announce that it has awarded a contract to Digital Mapping, Inc. (DMI) for the acquisition of orthoimagery.
DMI was one of seven proposals received. DMI’s proposal was ranked number one by a four-member panel, whose combined experience exceeds 30 years in the acquisition of orthoimagery.
The panel evaluated each proposal independently, and the criteria included firm qualifications, project understanding and price. The RFP and rankings are posted along with the executed contract.
- Request for Proposals – 2023 PAG Regional Orthophotography
- 2023 Orthophoto Proposal Rankings
- Digital Mapping, Inc Orthophoto Contract
Contact Info
Roy Cuaron
Finance Director
Pima Association of Governments
1 E. Broadway Blvd., Suite 401
(520) 495-1470
If you need translation assistance, please contact Zonia Kelley at (520) 792-1093. Si necesita ayuda con traducción, llame por favor al (520) 792-1093 y comuníquese con Zonia Kelley.
Pima Association of Governments (PAGregion.com) operates its programs without regard to race, color and national origin in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.