Pima Association of Governments occasionally seeks requests for proposals or request for quotes.
Current requests:
Request for Proposals to Operate/Market Sun Rideshare Vanpool Program
Pima Association of Governments (PAG) seeks proposals from qualified professional firms or individuals, either singly or through a joint venture with others to operate and market, in conjunction with PAG, the Pima county wide commuter vanpool program known as Sun Rideshare Vanpool Program. The goal of the vanpool program is to provide a cost effective means of transportation to local commuters so as to reduce air pollution, carbon emissions, traffic congestion and energy consumption. The Sun Rideshare Vanpool Program is available to any commuters traveling to a work site in Pima County that are not otherwise receiving commuter subsidies. This project will be managed by the Pima Association of Governments (PAG).
The entire Request for Proposal packet can be accessed at www.pagregion.com
Questions regarding this Request for Proposal (RFP) are to be submitted to PAG in writing by e-mail or fax to the attention of Mary Carter at (520) 495-1424(fax), or by email at: mcarter@pagregion.com. Questions will be accepted until 10:00 A.M. (local time) on October 25, 2024. Proposers are encouraged to submit their questions as early as possible to allow PAG adequate time to prepare accurate and comprehensive responses. It is the responsibility of potential candidates to monitor the Web postings (www.PAGregion.com) to ensure they have all up-to-date information on the quote requirements.
All proposals must be received by PAG on or before 10:00 a.m.(local time), November 5, 2024. Proposals will be opened at 10:00 am. PAG reserves the right to disqualify any and all proposals which are not in accordance with the prescribed requirements of this RFP.
Request for Bids – Outreach to Hard-to-Reach Residents – October 4, 2024
QUOTES DUE DATE: October 30, 2024, at 10:00 AM LOCAL AZ TIME
Pima Association of Governments
1 E. Broadway Blvd., Ste 401
Tucson, AZ 85701
PROCUREMENT OFFICER: Roy Cuaron, Finance Director
EMAIL ADDRESS: rcuaron@pagregion.com
TELEPHONE NUMBER: (520) 792-1093
The Regional Transportation Authority, herein after referred to as RTA, is soliciting Bids from Competent Contractors to provide Outreach to Hard-to-Reach Residents as outlined in the Scope of Work, Appendix A and in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes Title 34. After a review of experience and qualifications, a bid ranking review will be utilized to retain one (1) Contractor.
RTA invites interested Contractors to submit written Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) with accompanying separate sealed bids (Quotes) relating to this project. A Selection Panel will evaluate and rank the bidders’ based on criteria described in Appendix A. The selection process is a two-step procedure. Once the proposals are ranked by the selection panel and qualified bidders identified, the next step is to review the budget and sealed bids of the top three qualified bidders to ensure responsiveness, compliance with the scope of work, and reasonableness, in order to select the best overall bidder.
Competitive sealed Bids for the specified contract shall be received by PAG’s Procurement Officer, Pima Association of Governments, 1 E. Broadway Blvd., Ste 401, Tucson, AZ 85701, until the time and date cited.
Submittals may be delivered to PAG’s office by U.S. Postal Service mail, private, paid messenger service (such as FedEx, DHL, UPS, etc.), or by hand-carried delivery.
Submittals delivered by facsimile or electronic mail or in any format other than paper copies will not be considered.
Submittals must be in the actual possession of PAG’s Procurement Officer at the location indicated, on or prior to the exact time and date indicated above. Late submittals shall not be considered. The prevailing clock shall be PAG’s clock.
Submittals must be submitted in a sealed envelope with the Request for Bids Title and the firm’s name and address clearly indicated on the envelope. All submittals must be completed in ink or typewritten.
One original shall be bound and single-sided. The original must be bound in a single volume and constitute the bid in its entirety and clearly marked “ORIGINAL.” A digital copy, saved on a secure (virus-free), read-only USB portable drive (e.g. Flash Drive, etc.) of the Bids packet must be included in the sealed envelope or box. Additional requirements are described herein under INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS.
All sealed Bids received by the deadline will be opened at the PAG offices by the Procurement Officer. Only the names of the bidders will be read aloud when the Submittals are opened. Bidders are welcome to attend the bid opening.
PAG operates its programs without regard to race, color and national origin in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. We invite you to complete our voluntary self-identification survey (English/Spanish). If you need translation assistance, please call (520) 792-1093 and ask for Zonia Kelley. Si necessita ayuda con traducción, llame por favor al (520) 792-1093 y comuníquese con Zonia Kelley.