Regional Active Transportation Plan
Pima Association of Governments (PAG), the greater Tucson region’s metropolitan planning organization, is developing a Regional Active Transportation Plan (RATP) to help inform PAG's long-term planning. The active transportation plan will define a long-term vision, establish priorities and evaluation tools for bicycle and pedestrian improvements, and implement the improvements across the region.
The PAG RATP will aid regional and local active transportation planning by:
Establishing a regional active transportation vision.
The RATP will develop a vision statement, supporting goals, and measurable objectives to reflect how the region wants to evolve its active transportation networks and the tools to measure progress toward its goals.
Prioritizing investments.
An analysis of regionally significant corridors will identify where investing in bicycle and pedestrian facility improvements will provide maximum benefit to the region’s residents and the environment.Establishing preferred active transportation treatments.
A key element of the RATP is developing an active transportation toolbox of locally preferred bicycle and pedestrian treatments to create consistent networks across jurisdictional boundaries.Building momentum for investing in active transportation.
The planning process includes engagement with the public, targeted stakeholders, and elected officials throughout, to ensure that publicly supported investments are recommended.
These visions and outcomes will help build excitement for improving active transportation across Pima County.
Public Involvement
Get Involved!
An interactive map and survey has been developed to solicit your feedback on locations or areas where you would like to provide comments such as: safety concerns, good active transportation locations, and opportunity areas. Provide your input today to help make a more active region.
Public Engagement Schedule
The first round of in-person engagement has taken place. Please check back here regularly for more opportunities to provide your input in-person.
Sign Up For Updates
Interactive Map and survey
Location FOcus
Study Area
The RATP covers Pima County including all cities, towns and tribal areas. The RATP will develop context-appropriate recommendations for all areas of the county, from rural areas to central Tucson.
Project Schedule
Round 1 - Visioning (Spring 2024)
Tell the project team what the RATP priorities should be, what types of active transportation treatments you like, and where you experience issues.
Round 2 - Recommendations Review (Fall 2024)
Explore and review initial recommendations and tell us what you like and do not like.
Round 3 - Draft RATP Review (Spring 2025)
Review the draft RATP document and provide comments.
Planning Library
The RATP planning process will result in several interim documents that will feed into the final plan. As these documents are finalized, they will be added to this section.