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Regional Pedestrian Plan

The vision of PAG’s Regional Pedestrian Plan is to ensure a safe, accessible, comfortable and well-connected walking environment for everyone in the region. In addition to establishing a safe environment where people choose to walk, another plan goal is to ensure a well-funded pedestrian system.

The data-driven pedestrian plan, which has been in place since 2014, serves as a guide for the greater Tucson region’s jurisdictions and community members on potential pedestrian investments. Guidance includes looking at pedestrian infrastructure deficiencies in the regional network, analyzing pedestrian crash data, reviewing and sharing best pedestrian safety practices, and identifying performance measures and safety targets to track and evaluate.

The plan aims to address pedestrian safety challenges in the region since Tucson is a Federal Highway Administration Pedestrian Safety Focus City due to higher-than-average pedestrian fatality rates.

Funding from the Regional Transportation Authority, which is managed by PAG, has contributed to improving pedestrian safety with the addition of new sidewalks and signalized pedestrian crossings throughout the region.