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Travel Reduction

Reducing traffic congestion in the greater Tucson region continues to be a performance goal of Pima Association of Governments to support safe travel and enhance air quality.

PAG established its Travel Reduction Program in the late 1980s to manage travel demand across the region by providing area employers with the resources and tools to encourage employees to rideshare or use other modes of transportation to reduce the number of vehicles on the road.

Carpooling and vanpooling are great options to share the ride. Transit services and active transportation, such as biking or walking, are alternative transportation choices for shorter commutes that will help reduce traffic congestion, energy consumption and pollution.

Employers with 100 or more full-time equivalent employees are required by local ordinances to participate in the Travel Reduction Program. Other employers may volunteer to participate. Companies required to participate in the program need to assign a transportation coordinator who will complete a travel reduction Activity Inventory Report, distribute an Annual Employee Survey and distribute travel reduction information and materials to employees.

PAG has a free commuter assistance program, Sun Rideshare, for Travel Reduction Program Employers to promote among their employees. Sun Rideshare allows employees to review all their transportation options and make educated choices for their commute. Sun Rideshare’s free online carpool and vanpool interactive matching system also has information on transit routes, convenient park-and-ride lots and low-traffic bicycle routes.

When workers have reliable transportation options, businesses have a more productive and stable workforce.

PAG’s staff are available to connect with employer-designated transportation coordinators to support development of workplace travel-demand strategies. Through one-on-one consultation PAG staff are available to:

  • assist with program planning
  • provide information about the Sun Rideshare services including transit schedules, bike maps and program brochures
  • offer training for employee outreach

Other Sun Rideshare resources