Pima Association of Governments invites the public to participate in its meetings and events to become familiar with metropolitan planning, and how you can provide input and be more engaged in PAG’s planning processes. Your participation will help ensure planned outcomes meet the needs of our regional community in the areas of mobility, sustainability and livability.
We are committed to an open and transparent process, involving the public, our local, county, state and tribal members as well as our federal, state and local partnering agencies.
PAG Regional Council and committee meetings are open to the public. Public meeting notices are posted on the PAG website and onsite in the office lobby.
PAG provides advance notice of public comment periods, public hearings and other public activities and uses a variety of methods to engage the public and seek input. This includes conducting virtual and hybrid meetings, community stakeholder meetings, surveys, focus groups or special events. We continually update our public participation strategies to include the best and most up-to-date practices to engage with you.
Communication tools include email distributions, social media or traditional media advertising, social media posts, newsletters and news releases.
The public has access to PAG planning data and is invited to participate in focus groups, workshops and surveys as plans and programs are developed. Activities are designed to encourage an exchange of information and ideas.
You may request to be added to PAG’s email distribution list to receive notices, newsletters or other announcements to stay involved and current on the latest planning information.
Public Comment
You are encouraged to submit comments at any time because public input is an important element of regional planning. PAG encourages the involvement of all interested parties and actively seeks input from potentially affected people and organizations. We will respond to your questions in a timely fashion.
Comment Options:
- Email: info@pagregion.com
- Mail: Submit written comments to Pima Association of Governments, 1 E. Broadway Blvd., Suite 401, Tucson, AZ 85701
- Social Media: Comments related to PAG programs are accepted through official PAG social media pages.
- Website: Comments may be submitted through PAG’s Public Comment form.
Public Notices
Pima Association of Governments publishes legal notices in local newspapers as required by law to notify the public of upcoming public participation opportunities. PAG also promotes public participation opportunities in advance by posting notices at the office, online, or on PAG social media sites and through email distributions.
You may request to be added to PAG’s email distribution list to receive notices, newsletters or other announcements to stay involved and current on the latest planning information.
Reasonable Accommodations and Translation Assistance
Persons with a disability or language barrier may request documents in alternative formats or translations or other reasonable accommodations by contacting Sheila Storm at (520) 792-1093. Requests should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange the accommodation.
If you need assistance with translation, please contact Zonia Kelley at (520) 792-1093. Si necesita ayuda con traducción, llame por favor al (520) 792-1093 y comuníquese con Zonia Kelley.
Public Policies
Pima Association of Governments has policies in place to ensure that all users of the regional transportation system have equal opportunity to weigh in on the development of programs and plans.
PAG’s Public Involvement Policy and Title VI Implementation Plan are two tools that guide our public participation and outreach methods to seek diverse input and feedback that will help inform our regional planning activities and contribute to effective decision-making.