Bike Maps
The regional bicycle network consists of over 1,000 miles of bicycle lanes, routes, shared-use paths/trails and bicycle boulevards. The greater Tucson area was the first region in the United States to be designated gold-level as a bicycle-friendly region by the League of American Bicyclists.
The Tucson Metro Bike Map is a great way to plan your cycling adventure in the Tucson Region. The Map shows the locations of bike amenities like shared-use paths, bike boulevards, separated bikes lanes and enhanced bike routes. In addition to these lower stress cycling options, the printable map contains safety tips, rules of the road and a how-to guide for new riders.
Annual Bike and Pedestrian Count
Every fall, PAG conducts a bicycle and pedestrian count at approximately 80 intersections or locations throughout the region to learn more about habits, trends and characteristics of these communities.
- PAG Pedestrian Data Explorer – Interactive map of last 5 years with data tables available for download
- PAG Data Portal – GIS viewer of last 10 years with shapefile available for download