Biking to work can lead to a longer life

January 27, 2025
A businessman walks his bike down a small staircase outside an office building.

Ever consider adding cycling to your daily commute? You may already know about the health advantages, savings and benefits to the environment, but a recent study concluded that people who commute by bike were “less likely to suffer from a range of negative physical and mental health outcomes than non-active commuters.”

An 18-year Scottish study published in the BMJ Public Health found that those commuting by bike had statistically significant lowers risks of of early death, hospitalizations, and a range of chronic illnesses.

The study noted that commuters using cycling for their commute had 47 percent lower risk of mortality, a 24 percent reduced risk of cardiovascular hospitalizations, and a 51 percent lower risk of dying from cancer.

The study separated pedestrians and cyclists and found benefits for those who walk to work.

“Pedestrian commuting was associated with lower risk of any hospitalization… and lower risk of a mental health prescription.”

Learn more about incorporating active transportation into your daily commute.