April holidays provide plenty of travel reduction opportunities

April 11, 2022

April is well known for being the month with Earth Day and Tax Day, but maybe it should be known as Travel Reduction Month. Sure, we made that name up, but read on to see how other April celebrations tie to the goals of travel reduction

Obviously, Earth Day is a well-known holiday in April. When you drive less, you help the environment by producing fewer harmful emissions that can lead to poor air quality. Even driving a few less days a month can make a difference in our community’s air quality.

April is Car Care Month and by driving less you can reduce the wear and tear on your vehicle. Fewer miles driven means the potential for less maintenance and a reduced chance of something breaking down.

April is also Financial Literacy Month and alternative transportation choices can save you money. You can see a savings from less money spent on fuel, insurance and vehicle maintenance if you drive less. PAG’s Commute Cost Calculator can show you just how much you can save by reducing trips in your car.

Feel like getting up and moving a little or a lot to celebrate Move More Month in April? For those with a short commute, biking or walking to work is a great way to move more and get some exercise. Too far for an active transportation commute? Consider walking or biking as a way to get to a bus stop and use transit for the final stretch to work.

Speaking of moving, April 1 was National Walk to Work Day and April 6 was National Walking Day. Did you miss them? Well, celebrate them belatedly and use them as a good excuses to put on those sneakers and use your legs to walk to work. Can’t walk the distance? Share a ride with a neighbor and take a stroll to their house to catch that ride.

For those who do drive, avoiding construction can aid in getting to work on time, but it is also a good way to avoid idling, which increases harmful vehicle emissions. April 25-29 is National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week. What is the easiest way to be safe in a work zone? Avoid it entirely. You can use TransView, a regional commuter service, to see where major road construction projects are occurring and avoid them on your commute.

April is also National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and starting a carpool or using transit are great ways to focus on something other than driving. On the days you don’t drive for the carpool or vanpool, you can check your phone all you want. Better yet, use transit and never worry about being a distracted driver on your commute again.

April 10 was Global Work from Home Day. Many organizations are turning to telework or hybrid options. Does your employer participate? If so, working from home even a few days a week is yet another way to save money, help the environment and reduce the stress of a daily commute.

Earth Day is April 22. Hit a home run with any of the travel reduction methods we’ve discussed to help the environment by reducing emissions. In addition to promoting the Travel Reduction Program, Pima Association of Governments has other programs that benefit Mother Earth. Visit PAGregion.com to learn more about what PAG does for clean air and clean water.