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Despite challenges, employers earn TRP awards

In the face of challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 25 percent of all businesses in Pima Association of Governments’ Travel Reduction Program earned either a gold or silver award based on employers surveyed during the first half of 2020. The TRP surveyed 138 employers.

Despite the challenges of stay-at-home orders and disruptions to normal working schedules, employees were vigilant about filling out their annual travel reduction surveys. Over 15,000 employees completed the survey between January and June, a response rate of 58.6 percent. Thirteen companies had survey response rates of over 75 percent, with eight more eclipsing the 70 percent mark.

Based on the survey, TRP participants saved 23,435,672 total annual miles driven over the first six months of the year. Five participating companies saw over 50 percent alternative mode of transportation usage led by the U.S. Census Bureau, which had 67.4 percent of its employees use alternate modes of transportation other than their own personal motor vehicles.

A full list of award winners can be found HERE.