The Tucson Target Distribution Center has over 1,700 employees working 24/7. With so many employees working a variety of shifts, the site’s travel coordinator Brent Bowman was looking for creative ways to increase employee participation in the Travel Reduction Program survey, managed by Pima Association of Governments. PAG is the region’s metropolitan planning organization for transportation, air and water quality, and economic vitality planning.
Bowman decided to try a new approach to pitching the annual survey. He put a QR code on a large television screen that employees see when they arrive at the building. Employees just needed to scan the QR code with their phones and enter a Target-specific password to access and take the survey.
For those without QR code readers on their phone, Bowman set up tables with computer tablets and even a few paper surveys for optimal survey accessibility.

Being creative and flexible is important in getting good survey response rates, especially when not every employees has access to a computer. Some businesses also may lack the budget to offer incentives or staff to constantly remind employees to take the survey to meet the deadline.
The inspiration for using the QR code on the big screen came from a recently created TRP survey flyer Pima Association of Governments created to include a QR code for ease of employee access to the survey.
By offering a variety of options and methods for taking the survey, and using multiple methods to inform employees about the survey, a business can increase the chances of hitting its survey completion goal. TRP employers are all required to meet minimal survey completion goals.
Take advantage of the tools PAG already has in place, including TRP Employer Resources, to promote ridesharing or the survey, or create your own special promotion for improved results. And, as always, reach out to Mary Carter, mcarter@pagregion.com, at PAG if you need further assistance.