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New Member Profile: Ted Maxwell

Ted Maxwell

Member, Arizona State Transportation Board, representing Pima County since May 2021

Professional background:

Currently serving as the President/CEO of the Southern Arizona Leadership Council. Retired in 2018 as a Major General (USAF) and the Commander of the Arizona Air National Guard. Flew F-16s while in the U.S. Air Force and the Arizona Air National Guard.

Civic/Community Involvement:

Have served on numerous boards supporting the community and state including the Arizona Town Hall, Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Tucson Values Teachers. Currently serving on the board of the Arizona Bowl, the University of Arizona’s Applied Research Corp. and the Air Force Museum Foundation.

Region’s most pressing issue in your opinion:

Reauthorization of the Regional Transportation Authority.

Region’s best opportunity for economic success:

Continue to leverage our regional location for its connectivity and opportunity for trade in Mexico. The Sonoran region provides us unlimited business, recreational and travel opportunities.

What do you like best about what is currently happening at the regional level?

That we are continuing to fight to keep the region moving forward together.

Why is regional collaboration important to you?

Pima County needs to speak and act with one voice to continue to improve our economic vibrancy and our quality of life. The opportunities in Arizona are immense, and we need to collectively capitalize on them in order to improve our region for all.

What’s your No. 1 priority in your current role?

As the state representative and the only non-elected member of PAG/RTA, I feel I can best represent all Pima County residents and continue to move the Board toward collaboration and cooperation. My role is truly about improving the transportation systems in our region and state.

Personal trivia:

When I first attended the Air Force Academy I had zero interest in flying. How did that work out for me?