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News Release: PAG seeks volunteers for annual bicycle and pedestrian count

Pima Association of Governments is seeking volunteers to help count bicyclists and pedestrians throughout the region to help inform regional planning efforts.

This year, the count runs from Oct. 11 to Nov. 7, and volunteers are still needed throughout the region.

Participants can sign up for their desired location and time, take an online training, complete their count and email or mail the tally back to PAG.

This annual count helps transportation planners throughout the region by highlighting patterns, trends and issues.

Examples include tracking the percentage of helmet usage, the number of female versus male cyclists and identifying high-use pedestrian corridors.

The 2020 count, for example, showed 70% of riders counted that year were wearing helmets, up from about 45% in 2013. It also showed that the percentage of cyclists riding the wrong way or using sidewalks instead of riding in the street was on the rise, information that can help inform safety outreach campaigns, or factor into future street design changes.

Each volunteer weekday shift is two hours long, weekend shifts are three hours long. There is no limit to the number of shifts a person can complete.

The process is easy:

1) Visit the sign up page to see which locations and times are available.

2) Sign up for one or more shifts. Weekday morning shifts are from 7 to 9 a.m., weekday evening shifts are from 4 to 6 p.m., weekend shifts are on Saturday or Sunday from 7 to 10 a.m.

3) Complete the online training.

4) Perform a count at your designated location.

5) Submit your tally by email or mail.

COVID-19 safety measures are in place during the 2021 count. To ensure the safety of all volunteers, masks are required where physical distancing is not possible. Additionally, volunteers will work alone and not be required to participate in any in-person activities aside from performing the count. All count locations are outdoors and allow volunteers to maintain a safe distance from others.

If you need assistance with translation, please contact Zonia Kelley at (520) 792-1093. Si necesita ayuda con traducción, llame por favor al (520) 792-1093 y comuníquese con Zonia Kelley.

Pima Association of Governments is an association of local, county, state and tribal governments with a mission to build consensus among its members and the public on regional planning for transportation, watershed, air quality and economic vitality. Please visit www.PAGregion.com or www.facebook.com/PAGregion for more information.