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Citizens’ committee to continue project review in 2021 for next RTA plan

Transportation projects for a new regional transportation plan are under review by the Regional Transportation Authority’s Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC).

The committee will begin drafting the next RTA plan starting in 2021 to identify new projects to fund beyond 2026, when the current RTA plan and funding tax expire.

Given the complicated nature of transportation planning, it is not too early to develop a whole new set of investments to continue RTA project delivery well into the future.

The 30-member CAC is charged with developing a citizen-driven plan using an outcome-based approach in its planning efforts. Committee members were selected from across a broad geographic region to ensure a balanced plan that addresses priority regional transportation needs.

The committee will follow guiding principles and goals its members established in 2019 and shared with the public for input. Plan development goals include reduced congestion, increased mobility, increased transit ridership, reduced crashes, safer bike and pedestrian facilities, maintained or improved air quality, reduced wildlife crashes, improved conditions of existing roadways and access to workplaces, as well as added functionality to key corridors.

The CAC is learning about the scope of proposed projects that have been submitted to date, how the proposed projects align with desired outcomes and what performance measures these projects will address. Additional projects for CAC consideration are expected to be submitted in early 2021.

In addition to reviewing submitted roadway corridor projects, the committee will need to confirm plan categorical elements such as transit, safety, and environmental and economic vitality

RTA revenue projections will be updated to set the plan budget. Technical expertise is provided by the RTA’s Technical Management Committee, which includes both public and private sector members.

Once a draft plan is available, the RTA will seek broad public input before the CAC makes its final recommendation to the RTA Board. An election date will be set after residents weigh in on the draft plan. Tell us your transportation priorities today!