Pima Association of Governments completes alternative fuels corridor deployment plan

December 16, 2020

When the Federal Highway Administration asked transportation agencies to assist in planning for the deployment of alternative vehicle charging and fueling stations on national highways, Pima Association of Governments accepted the call to action.

PAG received an $80,000 planning grant from FHWA to develop a plan to facilitate deployment of additional electric vehicle charging and compressed natural gas fueling facilities along Interstate 10, from California to New Mexico. The plan was completed in partnership with the Arizona Department of Transportation and the Valley of the Sun Clean Cities Coalition to transition “corridor-pending” gaps to “corridor-ready.”

As part of its initiative, PAG developed distance routing and survey tools to identify potential alternative fueling sites and enhanced the U.S. Department of Energy’s corridor maps for electric vehicle charging and CNG fueling facilities.

“The use of alternative fuels in passenger and commercial vehicles supports cleaner air in our region since they emit fewer pollutants,” said Dustin Fitzpatrick, PAG’s air quality planning coordinator. “Since ozone is a transportation-related pollutant of regional concern, PAG and its partners are working to find opportunities to reduce air pollutants in the region.”