Representatives from Pima Association of Governments and other leaders from around the state gathered on March 4 in Nogales, Arizona, to break ground on a long-awaited construction project that will improve State Route 189 and the connection to I-19, a critical gateway for the state. This milestone symbolizes the extensive, multi-year statewide collaboration and support to make this project of state and national importance nearer to reality.
Pima Association of Governments congratulates the Arizona Department of Transportation and sends a sincere thanks to everyone who supported this project across the state, as well as federal and binational partners. The PAG Regional Council formally expressed support for this project in December 2014, with PAG subsequently sending letters encouraging the project to be advanced and fully funded.
SR 189 is adjacent to Arizona’s highest volume international land port of entry, serving as a critical gateway with our state’s top international trading partner, Mexico. Once completed, this $134 million project will reduce congestion and ease commercial vehicle entry at the 1-19/SR 189 interchange while also addressing mobility, access and safety issues along the remainder of the SR 189 corridor.
Funding has been made possible through a variety of sources, including a competitive federal grant, a direct allocation from the state, the Arizona Department of Transportation’s (ADOT’s) five-year construction program, and local contributions from the overweight fee permit program. Information about the project can be found at:
Understanding its vital importance for trade and Arizona’s economy, dozens of organizations rallied behind this project at all levels of government. The SR 189 project exemplifies how working together at all levels and finding common ground can deliver results that help enhance mobility, safety, economic competitiveness and prosperity.