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RTA projects enhancing regional mobility

RTA-funded Tangerine Road improvements span three jurisdictions: Marana, Oro Valley and Pima County.

The 35 roadway corridor projects named in the voter-approved Regional Transportation Authority plan have at least one characteristic in common. The projects have regional significance by providing access to multiple communities within the greater Tucson region. RTA plan improvements help us get to regional destinations with improved safety, less congestion and more transportation mode choices.

Major arterial roads accommodate large traffic volumes and provide connectivity to minor arterials and neighborhood streets. Typically, the jurisdictions are responsible for improvements to and maintenance of minor roads and neighborhood streets.  RTA roadway corridor projects are in every corner of the region, as are safety, transit, environmental and economic vitality improvements. These are projects that benefit the entire region, not any one city, town or neighborhood.

Prior to voters approving the RTA plan in 2006, at least four non-RTA transportation initiatives failed. Only when the eight local jurisdictions within the Pima County region and the state came together to stand behind a set of regional projects that benefit everyone did voters sign on. The current RTA plan expires in June 2026 and efforts are underway to develop a new plan for seamless delivery of regional transportation projects over a 20-year period.

To date, more than 887 projects have been implemented in communities across the region to improve regional mobility.