Sharing your transportation priorities matters to us. You have a chance to tell all in Pima Association of Governments’ Shape Your Transportation Future survey, which is open through July 18.
If you haven’t already seen survey promotions and participated, the brief survey is designed to gather input from a diverse cross-section of our communities to inform development of PAG’s 2055 Regional Mobility and Accessibility Plan.
As the greater Tucson region’s metropolitan planning organization, PAG regularly updates the long-range, performance-based transportation plan. The plan promotes a safe and efficient transportation system that meets the regional mobility needs of people and freight across the Tucson metropolitan area.
Your input is an important part of the development of the plan.
“Everyone’s voice counts and is reflected in the plan,” said Jeanette DeRenne, PAG Transportation Planning Director. “The survey gives everyone the opportunity to share their perspectives and preferences for the future of our transportation system.”
Plan development considerations include accessible pedestrian walkways, bicycle transportation facilities, intermodal facilities, buses, bus facilities and commuter vanpool providers. Plan projects and programs should foster economic growth and development opportunities, consider resiliency needs and minimize transportation-related fuel use and air pollution.
To annually secure millions of dollars in federal funds for essential transportation projects and services in the region, PAG is federally required (Title 23 U.S.C. Sec. 134) to regularly update the long-range transportation plan, which has a 25- to 30-year planning horizon.
Take the Shape Your Transportation Future survey to guide long-term transportation planning decisions that will ensure quality living for you and your family and the economic vitality for the region. We invite you to tell others about the survey to encourage participation across the region.