News Release: Virtual open houses set for public review of proposed 5-year transportation funding schedule

April 14, 2021

Pima Association of Governments (PAG), the federally designated metropolitan planning organization for the greater Tucson region, is hosting two virtual open houses for public review of the draft Transportation Improvement Program, or TIP, for fiscal years 2022-2026. The TIP schedules regional, state and federal funding for transportation projects over the next five years.

Projects in the TIP are in alignment with PAG’s federally required long-range transportation plan, known as the Regional Mobility and Accessibility Plan, or RMAP. The 2045 RMAP Update was adopted by the PAG Regional Council last September.

The draft TIP includes funding for the Regional Transportation Authority plan projects to ensure the funding levels identified on the RTA ballot are met, as committed by the RTA Board, and pursuant to state statutes. The 20-year RTA plan and a half-cent excise (sales) tax to fund the plan were approved by Pima County voters in May 2006.

“As an officer of the Pima Association of Governments’ (PAG) Regional Council, I am pleased that PAG’s professional staff has once again successfully managed this TIP development process in full compliance with federal, state and RTA regulations to prepare a financial plan that will greatly benefit our respective communities,” said Sahuarita Mayor Tom Murphy, PAG Regional Council Treasurer and RTA Board member. “The contents of this TIP support the RTA Board’s pledge to the voters to deliver RTA projects to the ballot amount. This will ensure we retain voter trust, which we will need to support the next RTA plan and address our future regional transportation needs.”

The virtual open houses will be conducted using Zoom and are scheduled from 10 a.m. to noon on April 20 and 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on April 21. Advance registration is required by visiting or registering directly through the following links:

  • April 20Register. Presentations are at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.
  • April 21Register. Presentations are at 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.

The TIP is updated every two years and must have a fiscally balanced budget. PAG’s members include the cities of South Tucson and Tucson, the towns of Marana, Oro Valley and Sahuarita, Pima County, the Pascua Yaqui Tribe and Tohono O’odham Nation and the Arizona Department of Transportation.

“The TIP development process is inclusive and transparent and was unanimously recommended by the PAG Management Committee for the Regional Council’s approval,” said Marana Town Manager Terry Rozema, chairman of the Management Committee, which is made up of representatives from each PAG jurisdiction member.

Projects highlights from the draft FY 2022-26 TIP include:

  • Design and construction of a new traffic interchange on Interstate 10 for Sunset Road
  • Construction of the final phase of the Downtown Links project, a four-lane urban linkage in downtown Tucson that will include multimodal features
  • Continuation of current public transit services through RTA funding and federal transit grants

“Public review and feedback on regional transportation priorities is an important part of the planning process,” said Jamie Brown, PAG’s strategic planning and public affairs administrator. “The TIP identifies projects that will enhance our region’s economic vitality through roadway corridor, transit, intersection, traffic signalization, bicycle and pedestrian improvements, among others.”

The draft project list and full document can be found at A 30-public comment period will start April 19 and conclude on May 18. Written comments may be submitted to

A virtual public hearing will be held at noon on May 27 prior to the PAG Regional Council meeting for final public comment before the Regional Council considers approval of the TIP. People interested in speaking during the public hearing should send an email to or call (520) 792-1093 by 5 p.m. on May 26.

Persons with a disability or language barrier may request documents in alternative formats or translations or other reasonable accommodations by contacting Sheila Storm at (520) 792-1093. Requests should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange the accommodation.

If you need assistance with translation, please contact Zonia Kelley at (520) 792-1093.

Si necesita ayuda con traducción, llame por favor al (520) 792-1093 y comuníquese con Zonia Kelley.