Latest News
We are committed to sharing the latest information with you regarding Pima Association of Governments’ programs, services and planning efforts.
Valencia Road project will complete important corridor for growing southeast side
Work on Valencia Road from Kolb to Houghton roads has begun, drawing nearer to completion a major east-west corridor for the Tucson metro region. “Completion of this project will enhance…
Don’t miss your opportunity to attend an RTA Next open house and take the survey
The public is invited to attend the remaining Regional Transportation Authority open houses in December and January on the draft RTA Next plan, a $2.46 billion regional transportation plan. Open…
A message on the passing of Marana Mayor Ed Honea
With shock and great sadness in our hearts, we mourn the passing of our long-time PAG Regional Council and RTA Board member Marana Mayor Ed Honea and friend to many.…
Give us your input on Regional Active Transportation
Pima Association of Governments (PAG), the metropolitan planning organization for the greater Tucson region, wants to hear from you as we develop a Regional Active Transportation Plan (RATP). The plan…
PAG seeks public input at upcoming events on microtransit services in greater Tucson region
Pima Association of Governments (PAG), a metropolitan planning organization for the greater Tucson region, is developing a transit study to determine the possibility of implementing microtransit regionwide and evaluating existing…
Where the rubber meets the road: What to ask your potential carpool partners
Ridesharing, such as carpooling and vanpooling, is a great way to save money, reduce stress and help the region’s air quality. Whether you are sharing a ride with one other…
Active transportation can benefit the mind as well as the body
Trying active transportation, such as cycling or walking, as part of your daily commute can have benefits on air quality and physical health. One more benefit to consider; mental health.…
Stormwaters are a desert necessity
PAG helps region manage this scarce resource The seasonal monsoon brings welcome rains to the desert. If not properly managed, however, stormwater runoff can pose health or safety risks. “In…
‘Shaping your Transportation Future’ survey gathered priorities
Nearly 4,500 members of the community completed the “Shape Your Transportation Future” survey to share their priorities on transportation projects and spending for the next 30 years. The survey will…