Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

Pima Association of Governments is required to update a program of transportation improvements for eastern Pima County every four years. The five-year program is developed in cooperation with PAG member jurisdictions, the Arizona Department of Transportation and public transit providers, including Sun Tran, and must be compatible with the state’s transportation improvement program. Any new or amended transportation improvement program (TIP) must meet air quality conformity since the greater Tucson region is a maintenance area for transportation-related pollutants.

The TIP is a five-year schedule and budget of proposed transportation improvements within eastern Pima County. The update process incorporates input from PAG member jurisdictions and other agencies that implement projects from the TIP. The goal is to maximize the use of federal, state and local funds and other resources to meet the multimodal needs of the region.

All projects included in the TIP are listed in PAG’s 25-year regional mobility and accessibility plan (RMAP). The TIP identifies which projects from the RMAP will be implemented in the five-year period.

FY 2025-FY 2029 TIP

FY 2025-FY 2029 TIP Amendments

FY 2022-FY 2026 TIP

FY 2022-FY 2026 TIP Amendments

FY 2020-2024 TIP